Wednesday, February 11, 2009

a weekend away

This post is a little late... but a few weeks ago, the sisters of Alpha Delta Chi went to Newport Beach for the weekend, for our Devotional Retreat. We were fabulously hosted by Christine's family there, and had a chance to get away from school and focus on God! We were led by our Devotional Chair, Jenna, and had a great time!

Jenna (foreground) is our fearless leader, as Ashlee (with the guitar) leads worship. And whities Lindy and Danielle stay in the shade so they don't get sunburned

And I'm not entirely sure what's going on in this one, but Janeen's having a lot of fun I think (maybe Jennie under the blanket?)

And just a reminder - you can check out tons more pictures on our Picasa account by following the link on the top right (under the "Links" section)

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